Ich bin ein großer Fan von Robert Middleton – amerikanischer Marketing-Berater, der auf www.actionplan.com seine wunderbare, unaufdringliche Marketing-Philosophie erklärt. Er ist seit 26 Jahren im Geschäft und hat dies kürzlich mit einem Webinar gefeiert. Heute möchte ich Sie an den Erkenntnissen aus seinen 26 erfolgreichen business-Jahren teilhaben lassen.
Hier ein Auszug aus seinem Gratis-Newsletter – mit kurzen Kommentaren von mir auf Deutsch:
Beyond Killer Strategies
In marketing, everyone is interested in „Killer Strategies.“
A killer strategy is something that works explosively to attract a
whole bunch of perfect clients to your business in almost no time
and with practically no effort.
Instant Riches! No Effort!
Don’t you think that if a killer strategy existed, that everyone
would know about it by now and be using it to grow their
business? If these strategies were so easy and magically effective,
I wouldn’t be in business anymore.
I’m reminded of the time several years ago when someone bought
my InfoGuru Manual and then a few hours later, after
downloading it, asked for a refund. He told me that it didn’t
contain any „magic bullets!“
Die einzig wahre Zauberformel für Business-Erfolge kennt auch er nicht, aber er verrät uns seine persönlichen 17 Strategien, die ihn wirklich voran gebracht haben.
However, there are several marketing strategies that can create
„Big Shifts“ in your business. A big shift is when there’s a
convergence of knowledge, implementation, and trial and error
over a period of time until – POW – that strategy is producing
results for you left and right.
In the webinar presentation I’m giving tomorrow, I give an
overview of 17 of those big shifts in my business that I’ve had the
good fortune to be very successful with.
So although I’m going to share these in some depth in the
webinar tomorrow, I’d like to share a few of the 17 here that had
the biggest impact on my business.
7 of my 17 Big Marketing Shifts over 26 years in business.
Hier sein Auszug aus den 17 großen Marketing Veränderungen:
2. Creating a powerful business vision.
My vision was „To be the Go-To person in the San Francisco Bay
Area for self-employed people who needed help with their
marketing.“ This vision helped me stay focused and on track and
to only offer services and program that aligned with that vision.
Ja, ein klare Vision gibt einfach Rückenwind.
4. Making speaking the cornerstone of my marketing.
I’ve been doing speaking for all of my 26 years in business and
only email marketing has been more powerful. The opportunity to
share my ideas about marketing to an attentive group has always
generated new clients. To speaking I’d also add teleclasses and
webinars, although my first love is speaking to a live group.
Ok, reden ist nicht jedermanns Sache. Der Fokus aufs Schreiben ist auch eine kraftvolle Strategie.
7. Writing my weekly More Clients eZine.
This big shift literally changed my life and business. It changed
things in so many ways. I became better and better at my
business and became better at articulating my value as I had to
commit my ideas to writing. It also enabled me to explode my
email lists to tens of thousands of people, which expanded my
marketing impact dramatically.
Kann ich nur bestätigen. Mein Newsletter bringt mir ein Drittel meiner Kunden. Tendenz steigend.
9. Developing the Marketing Ball Model.
The Marketing Ball Model has been a mainstay since about 2000.
I haven’t found a better model for attracting clients and it’s been
extremely useful in teaching my clients the step-by-step
marketing process. A whole lot of people have had big marketing
shifts using this model.
Stimmt: Eine Strategie muss her. Akquise muss systematisch und kontinuierlich betrieben werden.
11. Discovering „The Work“ to get unstuck.
Perhaps my biggest of all the Big Shifts, Byron Katie’s Work
process has given me a tool to get unstuck no matter the
circumstances. My periods of stuckness in my business now last a
few minutes, at most. It’s as if there are no longer any barriers to
creating anything I want to create in my business.
Arbeiten an der Inneren Haltung, am eigenen Mind Set. Extrem wichtig. Immer.
13. Developing and leading group programs.
This was a big shift financially. I broke the $100K mark by doing
group programs and stopped working with clients individually.
The great thing is that not only did my income increase, but my
clients got more value and better results than they did in working
with me one-on-one.
17. Launching the Fast Track to More Clients Program.
This was also a major big shift as I developed a way to serve
hundreds (and in the future thousands), of people by providing
online access to all my past marketing programs and products for
one low monthly fee.
Leistungen in Pakete, Programme packen – statt einfach nur Marketing (oder Beratung oder Coaching …) verkaufen zu wollen.
All of these big shifts entailed learning about a particular
strategy, studying it, trying it out, fine tuning it, and ultimately
mastering it.
Sich schlau machen, loslegen, ins Handeln kommen und testen, testen, testen ist Robert Middletons Devise.
Ich kann jedem, der sein Betrieb auf Facebook vorführen möchte, nur anraten, sich vorher über das rechtliche zu informieren. Denn dort gibt es zahlreiche Fallen, und unser Betrieb wurde ebenso wegen des berühmten „Gefällt mir“-Button abgemahnt. Doch das Marketing hat sich allemal ausgezahlt! Wir konnten unseren Umsatz auf diese Weise um 25% vergrößern, und es scheint, das dieser weiter anwachsen wird.
Danke, Frederic, werde mich schlau machen.