Entdeckt: 7 Prosperity Mind-set, Heart-set & Soul-set Secrets for Becoming a Client Magnet in the New Year

Ein spannender Artikel von meiner amerikanischen Kollegin Olivia Lobell, den ich hier mit ihrer Erlaubnis veröffentlichen darf. Zum Übersetzen fehlt mir gerade die Zeit, aber die Impulse sind in einfachem Englisch geschrieben und es lohnt sich auch mal ein Blick ins dictonary 🙂

Olivia Lobell 7 Prosperity Mind set Heart set Soul set Secrets 7 Prosperity Mind set, Heart set & Soul set Secrets for Becoming a Client Magnet in the New Year

Are you spending just as much time, effort and energyempowering, elevating and expanding your prosperity mind-set, heart-set and soul-set as you do on solid authentic business success strategies? How you think, act, behave and feel about money and meaning, prosperity and purpose, profitability and passion, wealth and health, abundance and authenticity, financial freedom and fulfilment is just as important as how you earn them. But if you don’t think, act, behave and feel prosperous, abundant, rich and wealthy, then you’ll never get to that point.

So you need to think prosperous, act prosperous, behave prosperous, feel prosperous, and take prosperous action steps to achieve the ultimate lifestyle business you most want, desire and dream of AND to help, serve and support the movements (and people) you truly care about. You can’t be focused on affecting change, taking big leaps and transforming your life as well as the lives of those you touch on the way when you are anxious, worried or frustrated about putting money in your bank account (and soul into your business).

Here are seven simple, yet powerful secrets that can help, serve and support you plant the seed of a prosperity mind-set, heart-set and soul-set into your life and your business in 2014.

7 Prosperity Mind-set, Heart-set & Soul-set Secrets for Becoming a Client Magnet in the New Year: (mehr …)

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So hilft Content-Marketing bei der Akquise

Content-Marketing – also Marketing mit Hilfe von hochwertigen Inhalten wie Fachartikeln, Gratis-Reports, Audio-Dateien, Blogposts, Video-Tutorials, Info-Grafiken –  ist ein Instrument, das ich schon lange für eines der besten halte, wenn es um unaufdringliche Akquise geht.
Vor allem kleine Unternehmen können hier mit Know-how und guter Beratung punkten.

WeiterlesenSo hilft Content-Marketing bei der Akquise